Summer Reading

Looking for summer reading to engage your kids? Check out the list!

By FHES Staff
Hill Highlights
June 10, 2024

It’s summer time and time to pick out fun books to engage and excite our kids! Kids who read over the summer are less likely to backslide on their reading skills. Reading includes “eye” reading (independent) or “ear” reading (listening to a read aloud or audiobook), so grab a new title and share it with your kids.  Putting aside time to read during long, fun summer days can be difficult, but 15-20 minutes at bedtime is perfect. 

The Imagination Soup site is an incredible resource for lots of books by category and ages and stages, so check out their summer reading page here and you can explore further once you get there. 

Here are some recommended books by age/grade for parents who want to go directly to the recommended lists: 



First grade

Second grade

Third grade

Fourth grade

Fifth grade

Sixth grade